Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Unit 5 The Rain Question Answer

  Unit 5 The Rain block questions answers: 
Q 1: What do the rich and the poor leaves stand for ?
Ans : The rich leaves stand for rich people and the poor leaves stand for poor peoples.
Q 2: Do you also like the sun coming out after rain? Why?
Ans : yes I also like the sun coming out after rain because its light help us to lead a healthy and energetic life.
Comprehension question answers:
Q 1: What does the poet hear?
Ans : The poet hears the leaves drinking the rain.
Q 2: What according to the poet is a sweet sound?
Ans : According to the poet falling of rain drops on the leaves, drop after drop is a sweet sound.
Q 3: What will happen after the rain stops?
Ans : After the rain stops a wonderful light will fill each dark place.
Q 4: How does the sun come out after the rain?
Ans: After the rain the sun comes out of the clouds and fill every dark place with its light.
Q 5: How does the light fill the drops?
Ans: After the rain when the sun shines its light fills every round drop.
Q 6: What makes the scene lovely?
Ans : When the sun shines brightly after the rain, it makes the scene lovely.  
Q : Give synonyms of the following words:
shine                     illuminate
Bright                    well lit         
Noise                    clamor 
Lovely                   beautiful
Q: Identify use of metaphor in the poem and answer these questions?
Q 1: What do the rich leaves symbolize?
Ans : The rich leaves symbolize rich people in the poem.
Q 2 : What do the poor leaves stand for ?
Ans : The poor leaves stands for poor people.
Q 3: what does the sun symbolize?
Ans : the sun symbolizes equality.


  1. Doing good....
    But post your article/chapter in order list....

  2. k thanks 4 commenting and help me in its trafficking

  3. Creative notes I really liked them.

  4. Creative notes I really liked them

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  6. That's great , thanks for it
